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Centrul de ajutorQuality Label for badge recognitionWhat is Quality Label for badge recogntion

What is Quality Label for badge recogntion

The Quality Label for Badge Recognition (further referred to as Quality Label) signifies a commitment to upholding quality standards in badge-issuing activities. By fostering a community dedicated to delivering quality learning opportunities and skill recognition, it aims to offer additional credibility and reliability in recognising and promoting quality Open Badge issuance practices.

In essence, the Quality Label is a:
  • A process through which Badge issuers can evaluate and improve their badge recognition practices while developing and improving skills and competences related to badge issuing.
  • A visual sign of quality in badge recognition communicates compliance with the quality standard and increases the trust and reputation of the badge issuer and Open Badges as a tool for recognition.
  • A solution to ensure better recognition quality and understanding of how Open Badges are used for recognition across sectors and learning domains.

Download the Quality Label for the badge recognition guide.

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