I show critical curiosity when introduced to (new) theoretical knowledge and/or evidence from practical experiences.During activities I am able constructively question presented content and analyze its relevance to youth work practice.I am knowledgeable of youth research findings and use them to inform my youth work practice.
Du må fullføre 3 oppgaver for å få dette merket
Bevis bekreftet av: selvgodkjenning
Critically analyse presented content and materials. Write down your critical points which needs further research or reflection.
Logg inn og start oppdragBevis bekreftet av: 3 aktivitetsmedlemmer
Express opinions clearly and constructively. Describe at least 3 situations where your expressing your opinions. Confirm this with 3 other project members.
Logg inn og start oppdragBevis bekreftet av: selvgodkjenning
Introduce research findings when appropriate for discussions. Copy web-links of researches you refereed to.
Logg inn og start oppdragBevis bekreftet av: selvgodkjenning
Collect references to youth research findings. Upload list of youth researches you collected.
Logg inn og start oppdragBevis bekreftet av: selvgodkjenning
Reflect professional attitudes of being a youth worker. Describe what are important attitudes of a youth worker.
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